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Ownership and Disclaimer

The website you're currently using is the official online presence of Azuri Real Estate, legally known as Azuri Real Estate ACN 604 113 024, and henceforth referred to as “Azuri Real Estate”, “we”, or “us”.

The details presented here, including but not limited to measurements, price points, locations, and descriptions of properties, are offered for your convenience. These particulars are sourced from third parties and made available on our platform by Azuri Real Estate.

While the information is published on our site, please note that Azuri Real Estate, its management team, staff, representatives, and affiliates rely on external third parties for this information. We pass this information to you as-is, and while we trust it to be accurate, we haven’t independently verified it. Therefore, Azuri Real Estate, along with our content providers and their affiliates, are not responsible for any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions. Furthermore, we disclaim any liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of this information, including but not limited to financial losses or loss of potential savings. We strongly advise that you do not solely depend on this information and that you seek your own advice and conduct due diligence on any property listed here.

Pricing information is accurate as of the last update but is subject to change and is dependent on availability.

Copyright Notice

The content available through this website is the property of Azuri Real Estate, protected under copyright laws. While the Copyright Act 1968 allows for reasonable use of this material for personal or research purposes, should you wish to use any content beyond these limits, you are required to obtain explicit permission from Azuri Real Estate. Upon granting such permission, it is required that the copyright owner’s name and rights are duly noted in any reproduction, in whole or part, of the material.